quinta-feira, 12 de junho de 2014

In Brazil it is common shock troops, using explosive devices, precise- ly one of the grenades hit the journalist of CNN TV, besides being hit by shrapnel, from fragmentation grenade, used in riot control, on the run she was thrown to the ground "being precise local medical care"

    No Brasil é comum as tropas de choque das polícias usarem dispositivos explosivos, um desses artefatos uma granada de efeito moral, veio a atingir uma jornalista da TV CNN, além de ser atingida pelos estilhaços da granada de fragmentação, na correria ela foi jogada ao chão, com suspeita de fratura de membro superior, sendo necessário atendimento médico no local
Jornalista da CNN é ferida em manifestação (Foto: Darlan Alvarenga/G1)
Photo credit: Darlan Alvarenga/G1 Globo Brazil

Much of the brazilian press is hiding the truth of world public opinion

    Violence of the shock troops of the Brazilian police, makes another victim, this time was the American CNN television journalist, the reports are that besides being hit by fragmentation grenade, used in riot control, she was thrown to the ground. What we're watching in street battles, the left-wing Government, won't admit anybody disrupt the World Cup, if necessary until lethal weapons shouldbe used. Interesting that the big Brazilian press, preaches vehemently that all Brazilians, are dying of happiness, joy and satsifação with FIFA and the World Cup, in fact the protests are against spending R$ 30 "Billions" of Real/Brazil by the Brazilian Government

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